Advanced Configuration and Management Guide
This command applies its filters for outgoing routes to the routing switch’s BGP4 route table (Adj-RIB-Out),
changes or excludes routes accordingly, then sends the resulting Adj-RIB-Out to the neighbor.
NOTE: The HP routing switch does not automatically update outbound routes using a new or changed outbound
policy or filter when a session with the neighbor goes up or down. Instead, the routing switch applies a new or
changed policy or filter when a route is placed in the outbound queue (Adj-RIB-Out).
To place a new or changed outbound policy or filter into effect, you must enter a clear ip bgp neighbor command
regardless of whether the neighbor session is up or down. You can enter the command without optional
parameters or with the soft out or soft-outbound option. Either way, you must specify a parameter for the
neighbor (<ip-addr>, <as-num>, <peer-group-name>, or all).
You cannot perform these reset procedures using the Web management interface.
Displaying Dynamic Refresh Information
The show ip bgp neighbors display is enhanced to show information for dynamic refresh requests. For each
neighbor, the display lists the number of dynamic refresh requests the routing switch has sent to or received from
the neighbor and indicates whether the routing switch received confirmation from the neighbor that the neighbor
supports dynamic route refresh.
In this example, the dynamic refresh statistics are shown in bold type. Notice that the layout of the display has
been changed slightly to allow room for this new information. The RefreshCapability field indicates whether this
routing switch has received confirmation from the neighbor that the neighbor supports the dynamic refresh
capability. The statistics in the Message Sent and Message Received rows under Refresh-Req indicate how
many dynamic refreshes have been sent to and received from the neighbor. The statistic is cumulative across
HP9300# show ip bgp neighbors
IP Address AS# EBGP/IBGP RouterID PeerGroup
1 65001 EBGP None
State Time KeepAlive HoldTime RefreshCapability
ESTABLISHED 0h1m5s 60 180 Received
SendCommunity NextHopSelf DefaultOriginate ReflectorClient UpdateSource
No No No No None
Open Update KeepAlive Notification Refresh-Req
Message Sent: 2 6 2 1 1
Message Received: 2 15 4 0 1
Last Connection Reset Reason:User Reset Peer Session
Notification Sent: Unspecified
Notification Received: Unspecified
TCP Connection state: ESTABLISHED
Local host:, Local Port: 8118
Remote host:, Remote Port: 179
ISentSeq: 2752793 SendNext: 2753085 TotUnAck: 0
TotSent: 292 ReTrans: 0 UnAckSeq: 2753085
IRcvSeq: 4010160420 RcvNext: 4010161139 SendWnd: 16093
TotalRcv: 719 DupliRcv: 0 RcvWnd: 16384
SendQue: 0 RcvQue: 0 CngstWnd: 1181
Closing or Resetting a Neighbor Session
You can close a neighbor session or resend route updates to a neighbor.
If you make changes to filters or route maps and the neighbor does not support dynamic route refresh, use these
methods to ensure that neighbors contain only the routes you want them to contain.
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