Advanced Configuration and Management Guide
Displaying BGP4 Information
You can display the following configuration information and statistics for the BGP4 protocol on the router:
• Summary BGP4 configuration information for the router
• Active BGP4 configuration information (the BGP4 information in the running-config)
• Information about the router’s BGP4 neighbors
• Information about the paths from which BGP4 selects routes
• Summary BGP4 route information
• The router’s BGP4 route table
• Route flap dampening statistics
• Active route maps (the route map configuration information in the running-config)
Displaying Summary BGP4 Information
You can display the local AS number, the maximum number of routes and neighbors supported, and some BGP4
statistics using either of the following methods.
To view summary BGP4 information for the router, enter the following command at any CLI prompt:
HP9300# show ip bgp summary
Here is an example of the information displayed by this command:
HP9300# show ip bgp summary
BGP4 Summary
Router ID: Local AS Number : 1
Confederation Identifier : not configured
Confederation Peers:
Maximum Number of Paths Supported for Load Sharing : 2
Number of Neighbors Configured : 3
Number of Routes Installed : 65871
Number of Routes Advertising to All Neighbors : 65871
Number of Attribute Entries Installed : 7750
Neighbor Address AS# State Time RtRecv RtAcpt RtSent RtToSend 64512 ESTAB 0:0:43:54 65871 65871 65871 0 64512 ESTAB 0:2:26:43 1 1 1 0 64513 ESTAB 0:0:48:5 0 0 0 0
This display shows the following information.
Table 10.4: BGP4 Summary Information
This Field... Displays...
Router ID The routing switch’s router ID.
Local AS Number The BGP4 AS number the router is in.
Confederation Identifier The AS number of the confederation the routing switch is in.
Confederation Peers The numbers of the local ASs contained in the confederation. This list
matches the confederation peer list you configure on the routing
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