Rate Limiting
Displaying Fixed Rate Limiting Information
To display configuration information and statistics for Fixed Rate Limiting, enter the following command at any
level of the CLI:
HP9300(config)# show rate-limiting fixed
Total rate-limited interface count: 6.
P ort Input rate RX Enforced Output rate TX Enforced
1/1 500000 3
2/1 1234567 100
2/2 2222222 3
2/3 1234567 15
2/4 1238888 12
2/5 1238888 7
Syntax: show rate-limiting fixed
This display shows the following information.
Table 4.1: CLI Display of Fixed Rate Limiting Information
This Field... Displays...
Total rate-limited interface count The total number of ports that are configured for Fixed Rate Limiting.
Port The port number.
Input rate The maximum rate allowed for inbound traffic. The rate is measured
in bits per second (bps).
RX Enforced The number of one-second intervals in which the Fixed Rate Limiting
policy has dropped traffic received on the port.
Output rate The maximum rate allowed for outbound traffic. The rate is measured
in bps.
TX Enforced The number of one-second intervals in which the Fixed Rate Limiting
policy has dropped traffic queued to be sent on the port.
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