Configuring BGP4
1. Enter the neighbor’s IP address in the IP Address field.
2. Enter a description in the Description field.
3. Select Enable next to Default Originate if you want to enable this feature for the neighbor. By default, the
routing switch does not advertise a default route using BGP4. A BGP4 default route is the IP address
and the route prefix 0 or network mask For example, is a default route.
4. Select the checkbox next to Default Originate Route Map and select a route map from the pulldown menu if
you want to use a route map to control advertisement of default routes.
5. Select Enable next to EBGP Multihop if the neighbor is multiple EBGP hops away.
6. If you enabled EBGP Multihop, enter the TTL for EBGP multihop in the EBGP Multihop TTL field. You can
specify a number from 0 – 255. The default is 0. If you leave the EBGP TTL value set to 0, the software uses
the IP TTL value.
7. Select Enable next to Next Hop Self if the routing switch should list itself as the next hop in updates sent to
the neighbor. This option is disabled by default.
8. Select Enable next to Send Community if you want to send the community attribute in updates to the
neighbor. By default, the routing switch does not send the community attribute.
9. Select Enable next to Remove Private AS if you want the routing switch to remove private AS numbers from
UPDATE messages the routing switch sends to this neighbor. The routing switch will remove AS numbers
64512 – 65535 (the well-known BGP4 private AS numbers) from the AS-path attribute in UPDATE messages
the routing switch sends to the neighbor. This option is disabled by default.
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