Configuring BGP4
10. Select the type of ACL or filter you are adding as a match condition. You can select more than one ACL or
filter type. In this example, select AS Path Access List.
NOTE: IP prefix lists and neighbor distribute lists provide separate means for the same type of filtering. To
simplify configuration, Hewlett-Packard recommends you use one method or the other but do not mix them.
11. Next to each type of ACL or filter you selected, enter the ACL or filter name or ID. In this example, AS-path
ACL 1 is specified.
12. Click the Apply button to save the change to the device’s running-config file.
13. Select the Save
link at the bottom of the dialog. Select Yes when prompted to save the configuration change
to the startup-config file on the device’s flash memory.
Matching Based on Community ACL
To construct match statements for a route map that match based on community information, use either of the
following methods.
To construct a route map that matches based on community ACL 1, enter the following commands:
HP9300(config)# ip community-list 1 permit 123:2
HP9300(config)# route-map CommMap permit 1
HP9300(config-routemap CommMap)# match community 1
Syntax: match community <num>
The <num> parameter specifies a community list ACL and can be a number from 1 – 199. To configure a
community list ACL, use the ip community-list command. See “Defining a Community ACL” on page 10-53.
Use the procedure in “Matching Based on AS-Path ACL” on page 10-63, but select Community Access List
instead of AS Path Access List.
Matching Based on Destination Network
To construct match statements for a route map that match based on destination network, use either of the
following methods. You can use the results of an IP ACL or an IP prefix list as the match condition.
To construct a route map that matches based on destination network, enter commands such as the following:
HP9300(config)# route-map NetMap permit 1
HP9300(config-routemap NetMap)# match ip address 1
Syntax: match ip address <name-or-num>
Syntax: match ip address prefix-list <name>
The <name-or-num> parameter with the first command specifies an IP ACL and can be a number from 1 – 199 or
the ACL name if it is a named ACL. To configure an IP ACL, use the ip access-list or access-list command.
See “Using Access Control Lists (ACLs)” on page 3-1.
The <name> parameter with the second command specifies an IP prefix list name. To configure an IP prefix list,
see “Defining IP Prefix Lists” on page 10-55.
Use the procedure in “Matching Based on AS-Path ACL” on page 10-63, but select IP Addr Access (Name and/or
Number) List instead of AS Path Access List.
Matching Based on Next-Hop Router
To construct match statements for a route map that match based on the IP address of the next-hop router, use
either of the following methods. You can use the results of an IP ACL or an IP prefix list as the match condition.
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