Advanced Configuration and Management Guide
HP9300(config-vif-2)# appletalk zone-name BB
HP9300(config-vif-2)# appletalk routing
HP9300(config-vif-2)# interface ve 3
HP9300(config-vif-3)# appletalk cable-range 30 - 39
HP9300(config-vif-3)# appletalk address 30.1
HP9300(config-vif-3)# appletalk zone-name CC
HP9300(config-vif-3)# appletalk routing
HP9300(config-vif-3)# interface ve 4
HP9300(config-vif-4)# appletalk cable-range 40 - 49
HP9300(config-vif-4)# appletalk address 40.1
HP9300(config-vif-4)# appletalk zone-name DD
HP9300(config-vif-4)# appletalk routing
HP9300(config-vif-4)# write memory
Configuring Protocol VLANs With Dynamic Ports
The configuration examples for protocol VLANs in the sections above show how to configure the VLANs using
static ports. You also can configure the following types of protocol VLANs with dynamic ports:
• AppleTalk protocol
• IP protocol
• IPX protocol
• IP sub-net
• IPX network
NOTE: The software does not support dynamically adding ports to AppleTalk cable VLANs. Conceptually, an
AppleTalk cable VLAN comprises a single network cable, connected to a single port. Therefore, dynamic addition
and removal of ports is not applicable.
NOTE: You cannot route to or from protocol VLANs with dynamically added ports.
Aging of Dynamic Ports
When you add the ports to the VLAN, the software automatically adds them all to the VLAN. However,
dynamically added ports age out. If the age time for a dynamic port expires, the software removes the port from
the VLAN. If that port receives traffic for the IP sub-net or IPX network, the software adds the port to the VLAN
again and starts the aging timer over. Each time the port receives traffic for the VLAN's IP sub-net or IPX network,
the aging timer starts over.
Dynamic ports within any protocol VLAN age out after 10 minutes, if no member protocol traffic is received on a
port within the VLAN. The aged out port, however, remains as a candidate dynamic port for that VLAN. The port
becomes active in the VLAN again if member protocol traffic is received on that port.
Once a port is re-activated, the aging out period for the port is reset to 20 minutes. Each time a member protocol
packet is received by a candidate dynamic port (aged out port) the port becomes active again and the aging out
period is reset for 20 minutes.
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