
150 Commands
Early warning end of medium information is not reported.
If a space records or space filemarks command fails then the sense data
information bytes will be set to the absolute value of the difference between
the requested number of marks/records and the actual number of marks/
records spaced over and the Valid bit set. The residue for a prematurely
terminated Space towards BOM will always be a positive value.
Note: This value will only be accurate if the sense key is NO SENSE.
If the format of the data on tape is corrupt then CHECK CONDITION status
is reported. The sense key will be set to
MEDIUM ERROR. Additional sense
will be set to 3001h (unknown format).
If the drive fails to read data from tape due to either a MEDIUM ERROR or
some sort of non fatal drive error then
reported. The sense key will be set to
HARDWARE ERROR Additional sense
will be set to 3B00h (sequential positioning error).