
20 Interface Implementation
the initiator that least recently connected before processing the command for
the new initiator. See “Sense Data Management” on page 131 for more
Fibre Channel Operation
Note This applies only to Fibre Channel drives.
The following sections have information specific to Fibre Channel operation:
“Fibre Channel Logical Unit Control Mode Page” on page 86
“Fibre Channel Port Control Mode Page” on page 87
“Vital Product Data Pages” on page 49
Fibre Channel Addressing
Before describing HP’s implementation of Fibre Channel addressing, the
concepts of Names and Addresses need to be clarified.
Names are 64-bit identifiers assigned permanently to the tape drive during
manufacture. They are commonly referred to as World Wide Names since they
must be guaranteed unique. The names are typically used for identifying the
device to operating systems, since addresses are assigned dynamically. There
at least eight different name formats distinguished by the Network Address
Authority (NAA). Only one is used on HP Ultrium drives. This is the IEEE
Registered Name (NNA=5) and has the following format:
This name is made up of three fields:
NAA Identifier (4 bits). “5” indicates a IEEE Registered Name.
IEEE Company ID (24 bits). Assigned by IEEE to the company.
Vendor Specified ID (36 bits). Assigned by the company.