
MSL6000 series tape library user guide 117
3075 Drive 1 Eject Failed
(Eject command time-out.)
Press the Enter button to reboot.
Ensure the drive shows good status
through the drive status window.
Deactivate the drive using the GUI control
panel maintenance menu.
Reseat drive.
Load/unload a cartridge to the drive to
Check the tape cartridge used in the last
operation for damage.
Run the cartridge cycle diagnostic to
3076 Drive 2 Eject Failed
(Eject command time-out.)
Press the Enter button to reboot.
Ensure the drive shows good status
through the drive status window.
Deactivate the drive using the GUI control
panel maintenance menu.
Reseat drive.
Load/unload a cartridge to the drive to
Check the tape cartridge used in the last
operation for damage.
Run the cartridge cycle diagnostic to
3077 Drive 3 Eject Fail
(Eject command time-out.)
Press the Enter button to reboot.
Ensure the drive shows good status
through the drive status window.
Deactivate the drive using the GUI control
panel maintenance menu.
Reseat drive.
Load/unload a cartridge to the drive to
Check the tape cartridge used in the last
operation for damage.
Run the cartridge cycle diagnostic to
Table 10 Fault Symptom Codes (continued)
FSC Message ERP