Geometry 167
Returns the hypothetical center of mass of a set of points.
Works like barycenter but assumes that all points have equal
isobarycenter(point1, point2, …,pointn)
Example: isobarycenter(–3,3,3*√3*i) returns
point(3*√3*i/3), which is equivalent to (0,√3).
Returns the midpoint of a segment. The argument can be
either the name of a segment or two points that define a
segment. In the latter case, the segment need not actually be
midpoint(segment) or midpoint(point1, point2)
Example: midpoint(0,6+6i) returns point(3,3)
Returns the orthocenter of a triangle; that is, the intersection of
the three altitudes of a triangle. The argument can be either
the name of a triangle or three non-collinear points that define
a triangle. In the latter case, the triangle does not need to be
orthocenter(triangle) or orthocenter(point1,
point2, point3)
Example: orthocenter(0,4i,4) returns (0,0)
Creates a point, given the coordinates of the point. Each
coordinate may be a value or an expression involving
variables or measurements on other objects in the geometric
point(real1, real2) or point(expr1, expr2)
point(3,4) creates a point whose coordinates are (3,4).
This point may be selected and moved later.
point(abscissa(A), ordinate(B)) creates a point
whose x-coordinate is the same as that of a point A and
whose y-coordinate is the same as that of a point B. This point
will change to reflect the movements of point A or point B.