Functions and commands 397
iPart Returns a real number without its fractional part or a list of real
numbers each without its fractional part.
iPart(Real) or iPart(List)
iPart(4.3) returns 4
iquorem Returns the Euclidean quotient and remainder of two integers.
iquorem(Integer1, Integer2)
iquorem(63, 23) returns [2, 17]
jacobi_symbol Returns the Jacobi symbol of the given integers.
jacobi_symbol(Integer1, Integer2)
jacobi_symbol(132,5) gives -1
laplacian Returns the Laplacian of an expression with respect to a vector
of variables
laplacian(Expr, Vector)
laplacian(exp(z)*cos(x*y),[x,y,z]) returns
lcoeff Returns the coefficient of the term of highest degree of a
polynomial. The polynomial can be expressed in symbolic
form or as a list.
lcoeff(Poly) or lcoeff(List) or lcoeff(Vector)
lcoeff(-2*x^3+x^2+7*x) returns -2
legendre_symbol With a single integer n, returns the Legendre polynomial of
degree n. With two integers, returns the Legendre symbol of
the second integer, using the Legendre polynomial whose
degree is the first integer.
legendre_symbol(Integer1, [Integer2])
legendre(4) gives 35*x^4/8+-15*x^2/4+3/8 while
legendre(4,2) returns 443/8 after simplification