468 Matrices
entry line or copied it from History to the entry line, tap
, enter a name for it and press
E. The
variable names reserved for vectors and matrices are M0
through M9. You can always use a variable name you
devise to store a vector or matrix. The new variable will
appear in the Vars menu under .
The screen at the right
shows the matrix
being stored in M5. Note
that you can enter an
expression (like 5/2) for
an element of the matrix, and it will be evaluated upon
The figure to the right
shows the vector [1 2 3]
being stored in the user
variable M25. You will
be prompted to confirm
that you want to create
your own variable. Tap
to proceed or
to cancel.
Once you tap ,
your new matrix will be
stored under the name
M25. This variable will
show up in the User
section of the Vars menu.
You will also see your
new matrix in the Matrix
To display a matrix In Home view, enter the name of the vector or matrix and
. If the vector or matrix is empty, zero is
returned inside double square brackets.
To display one
In Home view, enter matrixname(row,column). For
example, if M2 is [[3,4],[5,6]], then
M2(1,2)Ereturns 4.