384 Functions and commands
charpoly Returns the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of a
matrix. With only one argument, the variable used in the
polynomial is x. With a variable as second argument, the
polynomial returned is in terms of that variable.
charpoly returns
chrem Returns a vector containing the Chinese remainders for two
sets of integers, contained in either two vectors or two lists.
chrem(List1, List2) or chrem(Vector1, Vector2)
chrem([2,3],[7,5]) returns [-12,35]
col Given a matrix and integer n, returns the column of index n of
the matrix.
col(Matrix, Integer)
col returns [2,5,8]
colDim Returns the number of columns of a matrix.
colDim returns 3
comDenom Rewrites a sum of rational fractions as a one rational fraction.
The denominator of the one rational fraction is the common
denominator of the rational fractions in the original
expression. With a variable as second argument, the
numerator and denominator are developed according to it.
comDenom(1/x+1/y^2+1) gives (x*y^2+x+y^2)/