Decipoint One tenth of a point. A unit of measurement equal to 1/
720 inch.
See also
Default A value, parameter, attribute, or option assigned by a
program or system when another is not specified by the
Diagnostic Pertains to the detection and isolation of printer
malfunctions or mistakes.
Disable To deactivate or set to OFF.
Emulation Refers to the ability of a printer to execute the
commands of another printer language or protocol.
Enable ToactivateorsettoON.
Escape sequence Two or more bytes that describe a specific printer
control function. In an escape sequence, the first byte is
always the ASCII ESC character. (
See also
sequence, SFCC.)
Expanded A font enhancement referring to larger-than-normal
character width with no change in character height.
False Off or zero.
Compare with
Family (or type) A set of all variations and sizes of a type style.
Fixed-pitch fonts
font, monospaced.
Font The complete set of a given size of type, including
characters, symbols, figures, punctuation marks,
ligatures, signs, and accents. To fully describe a font,
you must specify seven characteristics: 1) type family,
2) spacing (proportional or monospaced), 3) type size
(12 point, 14 point, etc.), 4) scale factor (character
height/width ratio), 5) type style, 6) character weight,
and 7) character proportion (normal, condensed,