Line Feed
Line Feed
Hex Code 0A
Dec Code 10
Purpose Prints the data in the buffer (if any) and advances the vertical
character position one line at the current line space setting.
Comment If configured for LF equals new line (LF=CR+LF), the logical
print head is positioned at character column 1 of the new line.
Otherwise, the logical print head does not move when
configured for LF function only (LF=LF ONLY). The LF function
cancels all single line print attributes such as double high
(elongated) and double wide (expanded) characters.
This code is always configured for LF=CR+LF in the P-Series
In the P-Series Even Dot Plot mode (high density graphics), the
LF code does not cause paper position motion; the data in the
buffer is plotted and the logical print head is positioned at
character column 1 in anticipation of the Odd Dot Plot control
code to complete high density graphic plotting.
In the P-Series Odd Dot Plot mode (normal density graphics),
the LF code plots the data in the buffer, advances the paper
position a single dot row at the current vertical dot density, and
positions the logical print head at character column 1.