Emphasized Print Reset
Proprinter XL, 128
P-Series, 40
Serial Matrix, 94
Emphasized Print, Cancel
Epson, 168
Emulation Reset
P-Series, 40
Serial Matrix, 94
Enable Printing Hex 00-1F and 80-9F
Epson, 169
EVFU, 274
Epson configuration overview, 154
Epson FX control codes
grouped by function, 157
Epson FX-1050 emulation
chapter overview, 149
character set, 153
control code description format, 154
control codes
Backspace (BS), 159
Bell (BEL), 160
Cancel Line (CAN), 160
Carriage Return (CR), 160
Character Pitch 10 cpi (ESC P), 161
Character Pitch 12 cpi (ESC M), 161
Character Pitch 15 cpi (ESC g), 161
Character Set Select
International Languages (ESC R), 162
Clear Bit 7 of Incoming Data Bytes to 0
(ESC =), 163
Condensed Print Reset (DC2), 164
Condensed Print (SI, ESC SI), 163
Cut-Sheet / Paper Feed Control (ESC EM), 164
Define a Download Character (ESC &), 164
Delete Character (DEL), 164
Double High Print, Set/Reset (ESC w), 165
Double Strike (ESC G), 165
Double Strike, Cancel (ESC H), 166
Double Wide Print
Double Wide Print (ESC W), 166
Double Wide Print (1 Line), Cancel (DC4), 167
Emphasized Print (ESC E), 168
Emphasized Print, Cancel (ESC F), 168
Enable Printing Hex 00-1F and 80-9F
(ESC I), 169
Form Feed (FF), 171
Double Density Double Speed (ESC Y), 173
Double Density (ESC L), 172
Quadruple Density (ESC Z), 174
Standard Density (ESC K), 171
Half Speed Mode, On/Off (ESC s), 174
Horizontal Tab Execute (HT), 175
Horizontal Tab Set/Release (ESC D), 175
Initialize Printer (ESC @), 176
Italic Printing Cancel (ESC 5), 176
Italic Printing (ESC 4), 176
Line Feed n/216 Inch (ESC J), 177
Line Feed (LF), 177
Line Spacing n/216 Inch (ESC 3), 180
Line Spacing n/72 Inch (ESC A), 179
Line Spacing 1/6 Inch (6 lpi) (ESC 2), 178
Line Spacing 1/8 Inch (8 lpi) (ESC 0), 178
Line Spacing 7/72 Inch (ESC 1), 179
Make 80-9F Hex Control Codes (ESC 7), 180
Make 80-9F Hex Printable (ESC 6), 180
Master Print Select (ESC !), 182
Paper Out Detection Disable (ESC 8), 183
Paper Out Detection Enable (ESC 9), 182
Pass Bit 7 from Host (ESC #), 183
Printer Deselect (DC3), 183
Printer Select (DC1), 184
Proportional Spacing
Select/Deselect (ESC p), 187
Reassign Graphics Mode (ESC ?), 184
Remove Downloaded Characters, 184
Select Graphics Mode (ESC *), 185
Select Italic Character Set (ESC t), 186
Select Print Quality (ESC x), 186
Select User-Defined Font (ESC %), 187