Chapter 4 Configuring the Serial Matrix Emulation with Control Codes
Extended Character Set
Hex Code 1B 34
Dec Code 27 52
Purpose Accesses the extended character set in the range hex A0
through FF using codes hex 20 through hex 7F.
Comment This code is used in 7-bit systems as if data bit 8 was set to 1.
For example, sending code hex 20 accesses the symbol at code
point hex A0. If a printable symbol is not available at the code
point, a space is printed.
ESC 4 is not cancelled by the next paper motion command.
Example The following sample illustrates Extended Character Set.
Extended Character Set Cancel
(Primary Character Set Select)
Hex Code 1B 35
Dec Code 27 53
Purpose Cancels Extended Character Set as selected by ESC 4, and
selects the Primary Character Set.
Comment This code is used in 7-bit systems as if data bit 8 was set to 0. If
data bit 8 is disabled, this control code selects the range as if
data bit 8 is set to 0, and data is printed as characters from hex
20 through hex 7F.
Example See the Extended Character Set example.