● IBM WebSphere Portal Express requires IBM WebSphere Application Server in order to function.
In this Solution Starting Point, it is assumed that IBM WebSphere Application Server is not
already present in the network, and therefore it is installed with the portal software.
For more information, in the Information Center for IBM WebSphere Portal Express, navigate to Installing
-> Installing on Windows and Linux and read the sections on the various installation choices for the
IBM WebSphere Application Server for more special considerations.
Installation Options
Both a silent installation and a manual installation are documented here; you can choose which
type of installation you want to follow. A silent installation is when a product is installed using a response
file. The response file is a text file that can be customized with setup and configuration data that will
automate the software installations. The setup and configuration data normally have to be entered during
a manual installation, but with a response file, the installation can proceed without any intervention.
IBM WebSphere Portal Express supports a silent installation procedure. If you would prefer the manual
installation, proceed to Manual Installation
below. If you would like to perform a silent installation, proceed
to the Silent Installation
on page 15.
Manual Installation
In this section you are installing IBM WebSphere Portal Express with a new instance of IBM WebSphere
Application Server. This installation also includes IBM HTTP Server and uses the graphical installation
program. For more information, detailed installation steps are located in the documentation that is
provided with the IBM WebSphere Portal Express product.
1. Log on with an administrative ID such as the
IBM WebSphere Application Server Administrator.
2. Insert the IBM WebSphere Portal Express setup CD into the CD drive, or open the root directory
of the downloaded CD image. The installation program should start automatically. If it does not,
then from the root directory of the CD, run the setup.exe file from a Windows command prompt.
3. The Welcome window opens.
For additional information, visit the IBM WebSphere Portal Express website. Select Quick Start
from the left navigation pane and then select IBM WebSphere Portal Express product
information on the right pane to open the WebSphere Portal and Workplace Web Content
Management web page. From the Use and Maintain tab, select Product documentation and
from under the Version 6.0 tab, Information Center section, select view to launch the product
Information Center.
Use the Information Center instructions for reference as necessary during the installation
4. Select Install and then Start Installation to launch the installation wizard for Windows.
5. Select the language.
6. On the WebSphere Portal Express Version 6.0 Installation window, read and accept the
license agreement.
7. Use Table 10
below as you proceed through the installation to input data during the process.
If desired, use this table to record information you provide during the installation for later
reference. A separate spreadsheet of this table is packaged with this Solution Starting Point.
Table 10. IBM WebSphere Portal Express Installation Parameters
System Parameter Suggested Value Your Value
14 Collaborative Portal: Implementation Guide