Enable Lotus Sametime in Domino Integration
Perform the following steps to enable Lotus Sametime in Domino integration:
1. Stop the IBM WebSphere Portal Express server by going to the <was_profile_root>\bin
directory and enter the following command in a command prompt window:
stopserver.bat WebSphere_Portal -user <admin_userid> -password
2. Go to the <WP_root>\shared\app\config directory and locate the
CSEnvironment.properties file.
3. Make a backup copy of this file before editing it.
4. Open this file in a text editor.
5. Locate the line #CS_SERVER_SAMETIME_1.dnNameSeparator=,
6. Remove the comment tag (#) from the beginning of the line.
7. Change the character after the '=' sign to be '/'. For example:
8. Save and close the file.
9. Use the following command to start the IBM WebSphere Portal Express server:
a. Open a command prompt and change to the directory: <was_profile_root>\bin
b. Enter the following command: startserver.bat WebSphere_Portal
Important: You have completed the installation and configuration tasks for the solution. If you would like
to use the sample included with this Solution Starting Point, continue to Chapter 3. Create Demo Users
on page 48.
47 Collaborative Portal: Implementation Guide