specific clients and now can be accessed using a single browser access point. Explain that
employees can use their customized environment with all required applications, from everywhere,
when they can access the portal.
The easiest way to do this is to center your navigation on what each user role can see. For each
one, describe the available features for a normal end user and for a content manager user and
how they can access and use the portal.
Demo Roles and User IDs
Several different user IDs are used, one for each role. These users and groups, listed in Table 20 below,
should have been created in Chapter 3. Create Demo Users
on page 48.
Table 20. Demo Users and Groups
User Name User ID Group Membership (Role)
Mike Rotz mrotz
Vic Sargent vsargent
Betsy Parker bparker
Managers, HR
Kristen Baker kbaker
Employees, HR
Lisa Bello lbello
Employees, HR
Michael Davis mdavis
Employees, HR
Gary Spurr gspur
Employees, Marketing
Elizabeth Flur eflur
Employees, Sales
William Woolf wwoolf
Use the administrative ID (wpsadmin) if you want to show administrative tasks to your audience.
Enable Sametime Awareness
Remember, each user must enable instant messaging when they access their mail on the Directory
Server. At a minimum, do this for Kristen Baker and Vic Sargent for the use case, Instant Messaging for
Immediate Help on page 52.
1. Log onto the portal and navigate to Intranet Jump Start -> Home -> Collaboration.
2. In the Sametime Contact List portal window, click Options and then select Change online
3. Check the I am active radio button and click OK.
4. Click Save & Close.
5. You should now see the user name turn green indicating that you are active in Sametime.
Entering the Portal
To enter the intranet portal, a user should open a browser and type the following URL:
where portal_server_name.com is the hostname of the Portal Server.
The first page that appears contains general news and information and can be accessed by all non-
authorized users.
51 Collaborative Portal: Implementation Guide