c. Add UserInfoServlet to the list of servlets on this line and separate it from the other
servlet names with a blank space.
d. Restart the Domino and Sametime servers.
Even after the console says, "Sametime Server: Running", some services are still being loaded in
the background. Use the Windows Services applet to monitor the status of all the Sametime
services (prefixed by "ST").
Update stpolicy.nsf for New File Transfer Policy
If you want to allow file transfer between clients that do not involve the server, you must manually update
stpolicy.nsf and add the new policy. If you take no action, peer-to-peer transfer will no longer be
permitted after CF1 is installed. Review and follow the instructions given in the readme.txt file
accompanying this fix pack for details.
Background Sametime Configuration
Sametime automatically configures the server for multi-server Single Sign-On:
● If not already configured, Sametime sets the server for multi-server single sign-on authentication
and create a Web SSO document. If it detects that this has already been done, it leaves the
existing settings unchanged.
● If not already created, Sametime creates the Domino Web Configuration database
● Sametime creates and configures a Sign-In Form Mapping document in the Domino Web
Configuration database to support SSO
Post Installation Configuration
This section shows you how to configure the default HTTP home page and access the administration
features of the Sametime server.
Configure the Default HTTP Home Page
From the Domino Administrator client (on the master server):
1. On the Configuration tab, select Servers -> All Server Documents in the navigation pane.
2. Open the Sametime server's server document for editing and go to the Internet Protocols /
HTTP tab.
3. In the Mapping section, change Home URL to /stcenter.nsf?Open
4. Save and close the document.
5. Replicate with the Sametime server.
● In the Configuration tab, make sure sametime/mycompany is selected.
● As an alternative to the replicate command, go to the Admin client's File menu and select
Replication -> Replicate...
● In the Replicate with drop-down list, select Other and then choose the Sametime server (for
example, sametime/mycompany). Click OK.
● Leave Send documents to server and Receive documents from server selected.
6. Return to the Sametime server and restart its Domino server. The Sametime server does not
support the restart server command, so you must enter quit in the Domino server window.
Restart the Domino server from the Start menu. Be sure to wait for all the Sametime services to
32 Collaborative Portal: Implementation Guide