Type of Help Contents How to Access...
Control Center Help
Client Configuration
Assistant Help
Event Analyzer Help
Command Center Help
Explains the tasks you can
perform in a window or
notebook. The help includes
prerequisite information you
need to know, and describes
how to use the window or
notebook controls.
From a window or notebook, click the Help push
button or press the F1 key.
Message Help Describes the cause of a
message, and any action
you should take.
From the command line processor in interactive
mode, enter:
? XXXnnnnn
where XXXnnnnn is a valid message identifier.
For example, ? SQL30081 displays help about the
SQL30081 message.
To view message help one screen at a time, enter:
? XXXnnnnn | more
To save message help in a file, enter:
? XXXnnnnn > filename.ext
where filename.ext is the file where you want to
save the message help.
SQL Help Explains the syntax of SQL
From the command line processor in interactive
mode, enter:
help statement
where statement is an SQL statement.
For example, help SELECT displays help about
the SELECT statement.
Note: SQL help is not available on UNIX-based
SQLSTATE Help Explains SQL states and
class codes.
From the command line processor in interactive
mode, enter:
? sqlstate or ? class-code
where sqlstate is a valid five-digit SQL state and
class-code is the first two digits of the SQL state.
For example, ? 08003 displays help for the 08003
SQL state, while ?08displays help for the 08 class
Appendix D. How the DB2 Library Is Structured 145