b. Type in the IP address of the server (for example,
c. Click on OK.
Step 5. Configure CPI-C Side Information
a. In the Configuration options box, select the Configure CPI-C side
information option and click on the New push button. The
Define CPI-C side information window opens.
b. Enter the symbolic destination name (16)intheSymbolic
destination name field.
c. Enter your Local LU alias (12)intheLocal LU alias field.
d. Enter the mode name (15)intheMode name field.
e. Enter the transaction program name (17)intheTP name field.
f. Select the For SNA API Client use check box for this transaction
g. Enter the network ID (3) and partner LU name (2)inthe
Partner LU name field.
h. Click on OK.
Step 6. Save the Configuration
a. Select File->Save As from the menu bar. The Save As window
b. Type in a file name, and click on the Save push button.
You now need to update the DB2 directories, bind utilities and applications to the
server, and test the connection.
The easiest way to do this is to use the Client Configuration Assistant (CCA). For more
information on using the CCA, go to “Chapter 6. Configuring DB2 Connect to Host or
AS/400 Communications Using the CCA” on page 57. However, you can also perform
these steps manually, as described in “Step 3. Catalog the APPC or APPN Node” on
page 91 and the sections that follow.
Configuring Microsoft SNA Server for Windows NT
This section describes how to configure Microsoft SNA Server Version 4.0 for
Windows NT on your DB2 Connect workstation to connect to host or AS/400
database servers using APPC. Although Microsoft SNA Server will run on
Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, Windows NT 4.0 Server is recommended.
For instructions on how to configure Microsoft SNA Client for Windows NT, go to
“Configuring Microsoft SNA Client” on page 88.
You can define the properties of your SNA connections in the Microsoft SNA
Server Manager (Server Manager). The Server Manager uses an interface
Chapter 7. Configuring APPC Communications on the DB2 Connect Workstation 79