Chapter 7. Configuring APPC Communications on the DB2
Connect Workstation
This section describes how to configure a DB2 Connect workstation to
communicate with a host or AS/400 database server using the APPC
communication protocol. The instructions that follow assume that APPC is
supported on the DB2 Connect and host or AS/400 machines.
You will only need to refer to the instructions in this section if you wish to
configure your APPC connection to a host or AS/400 database by hand. APPC
can often be configured automatically using the Client Configuration Assistant
(CCA). For more information about the CCA, see “Chapter 6. Configuring
DB2 Connect to Host or AS/400 Communications Using the CCA” on page 57.
For further information about the communications requirements of your
platform, see “Software Requirements” on page 24.
The following steps are required to set up a DB2 Connect workstation to use
APPC communications with a host or AS/400 database server:
Step 1. Identify and record parameter values.
Step 2. Update the APPC profiles on the DB2 Connect workstation.
Step 3. Catalog the database.
Step 4. Catalog the APPC or APPN Node.
Step 5. Catalog the database as a Database Connection Service (DCS)
Step 6. Bind utilities and applications to the database server.
Step 7. Test the Host or AS/400 Connection.
Step 1. Identify and Record Parameter Values
Before you configure the DB2 Connect workstation, have your host-side
administrator and LAN administrator fill in copies of the worksheet in Table 5
on page 68 for each host or AS/400 database to which you want to connect.
After you fill in the Your Value entries, you can use the worksheet to configure
APPC communications for DB2 Connect. During the configuration process,
replace the sample values that appear in the configuration instructions with
your values from the worksheet, using the boxed numbers (for example, 1)
to relate the configuration instructions to the worksheet values.
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