CONNECT and BIND: Finally, connect to the target host server and bind the
utilities and applications to the server using commands similar to the
following in the command line processor:
connect to MVSIPDB1 user USERID using PASSWORD
bind path/bnd/@ddcsmvs.lst blocking all
sqlerror continue blocking all grant public
disconnect all
where path corresponds to the DB2PATH registry value.
These commands are described in detail in the Command Reference.
Preparing DB2 Universal Database for AS/400 for DB2 Connect
DB2 Connect gives applications on remote systems access to data in your DB2
Universal Database for AS/400 system. In order to set up the connection, the
person installing DB2 Connect needs the following information:
__ 1. The local network name. You can get this information by entering
__ 2. The local adapter address. You can get this information by entering
WRKLIND (*trlan).
__ 3. The mode name. You can get a list of mode names by entering
WRKMODD. If the mode IBMRDB has been defined on your AS/400
system, you should use it.
__ 4. The local control point name. You can get this information by entering
__ 5. The remote transaction program name. The default is X'07'6DB
(X'07F6C4C2'). The default is always used by DB2 Universal Database
for AS/400. If entering a hexadecimal number is not convenient, an
alias is QCNTEDDM.
__ 6. The relational database name. You can get this information by entering
DSPRDBDIRE. This will display a list. The line containing *LOCAL in
the Remote Location column identifies the RDBNAME which must be
defined to the client. If there is no *LOCAL entry, you can add one, or
use the system name obtained from the DSPNETA command on the
Here is an example screen:
52 Quick Beginnings