
Configuring, Modifying, and Monitoring the Unit
Setting a Tagged Port
The set-tag-outbound-mode command can be used to enable or disable VLAN tagging to
port/s on a network on which all nodes support the IEEE 802.1Q standard or a comparably
capable network. Do not enable a port connected to a network on which there are any nodes
that do not support the IEEE 802.1q standard.
set-tag-outbound-mode {run|nvram|all} <port-list> {enable|disable}
[arg #0] database type - either {run|nvram|all}
[arg #1] ports - ports list in format: <dport>
[arg #2] VLAN state: either {disable|enable}
SYS_console>set-tag-outbound-mode run 5 enable
Set run VLAN Tag awareness – OK
Removing a Tagged Port
To remove a previously declared tagged port you have to use the same command.
set-tag-outbound-mode {run|nvram |all}<port-list>{enable|disable}
[arg #0] database type - either {run|nvram|all}
[arg #1] ports - ports list in format: S1.D1-S2.D2-...-Sn.Dn
[arg #2] VLAN state: either {disable|enable}
SYS_console>set-tag-outbound-mode run 5.8 disable
Set run VLAN Tag awareness – OK
Server Port
A server port is a shared port among VLANs. This port is seen from every VLAN it belongs to,
VLANS can see it but they cannot use it as a third party to communicate.
Creating a Server Port
The new-srvr-port command defines a “server port” as a VLAN with one port (server) and a
dedicated tag. The user then defines the “server port” as a member of all the tag-based VLANs
from which access is desired. Access to the “server port” is available only to ports of VLANs in
which the “server port” is a member. This is done in order to share a common resource, such as
a network server, over the defined tag VLANs.