
Configuring, Modifying, and Monitoring the Unit
SNMP Traps
Traps are notices that the switch sends to an SNMP manager indicating that a specific event
has occurred, or that the condition of a unit has changed significantly. SNMP Traps are
disabled by default.
NOTE: Trap messages do not provide an entirely reliable event notification mechanism; they
can get dropped, and are not acknowledged or retransmitted once dropped.
When the Switch detects an extraordinary event, it generates a trap. A trap is a notification
message that may be sent to predefine Network Management Stations. A trap event may be a
reset (cold or warm), detection of an interface link status change, an SNMP authentication
failure due to an incorrect community string, and so.
The SNMP trap commands let you manage whether or not the device issues an authentication
trap to the list of selected SNMP Management Stations. The list has a maximum of five entries.
get-auth shows the traps authentication mode
set-auth modifies the traps authentication mode
get-traps show destination stations in the trap list
add-trap add a destination station to the trap list
del-trap delete a destination station from the trap list
Setting Authentication Traps
Authentication Failures – This trap is generated whenever a login attempt fails during the
authentication process on a management port.
Viewing the Authentication Trap Status
The authentication trap messages are enabled
Setting the Authentication Trap
set-auth {enable|disable}
SYS_telnet>set-auth disable
The authentication trap message mode change OK
The authentication trap messages are DISABLED