
The NH2025-10 is a robust switch platform, representing the next generation in switching
technology. It boasts a combination of cutting-edge hardware architecture, a rich set of Virtual
LAN (VLAN) options and advanced network management features.
Figure 1 - General View
The NH2025-10 contains a built-in SNMP agent running on the SNMP Processor Board. This
allows each unit to be managed from a centralized management station through any SNMP-
compliant NMS.
The SNMP agent software complies with the following standards:
RFC 1155 The Structure of Management Information (SMI) for TCP/IP Based Internets,
May 1990
RFC 1212 The Management Information Base I (MIB I)
RFC 1213 The Management Information Base II (MIB II), March 1991.
RFC 1284 The Ethernet MIB
RFC 1286 The Bridge MIB
The NH2025-10 also supports two NBase-Xyplex private MIBs: switch.mib and gswitch.mib.
The SNMP agent utilizes UDP/IP (RFC 768, RFC950, RFC1071 and RFC791) as OSI layers 3
and 4 protocols, ICMP (RFC792) and ARP (RFC826) to complete the UDP/IP protocol suite.
The UDP/IP stack implementation conforms to:
RFC 1122 Requirements for Internet hosts - communication layers.
RFC 1123 Requirements for Internet hosts - application and support.
The NH2025-10 may be managed by any SNMP Manager that conforms to the above standards.
It may be fully managed by MegaVision, NBase-Xyplex’s multi-platform network management
system. For more information on MegaVision, view our web site, or contact NBase-Xyplex for a
data sheet.
The NH2025-10 implements an NBase-Xyplex Enterprise MIB and an NBase-Xyplex Product
MIB that may be provided upon request.