
Appendix B
Firmware Download Using TFTP
The switch can be updated with new firmware using TFTP applications. The update can be
done with the switch defined as either a TFTP client or a TFTP server.
NOTE: Bootp should be set to disable with the command set-bootp disable before proceeding
to the software update.
Download Procedure - "Client Mode"
A remote TFTP server station is required.
1. Configure the following switch parameters:
IP address of the TFTP server station
file name of the firmware to be loaded ("name".hex)
2. Operate the remote TFTP server, with the path defined for the location of the “name” hex file.
3. Start the download procedure using the sw-dnld command in the switch.
NOTE: After successful completion of the download, the switch reboots and operates the
new firmware.
Once the switch is rebooted it is possible to set bootp to enable with the command set-
bootp enable.
NBase-Xyplex strongly recommends erasing the NVRAM with the command init-nvram,
and then proceeding to an entire reconfiguration of the switch. This will allow the new
firmware to operate normally.
Download Procedure - "Server mode"
A remote TFTP station operated in client mode is required.
1. Configure the switch with the following parameters:
- file name of firmware to be loaded ("name".hex)
2. Operate the remote TFTP program in client mode and configure:
Path of the file to be loaded ("name".hex)
IP address of the remote server (the switch)
3. Start the download procedure with the "sw-dnld" command in the switch and "send" in the
TFTP client.