Chapter 3. Preparing to use the affinity utility program
This chapter describes what needs to be done before you can use the affinity utility
v “Creating the VSAM files”
v “Estimating the size of the MVS data space and VSAM files”
v “Defining the VSAM files to CICS” on page 22
v “Tailoring your CICS startup job” on page 23
v “Restarting your CICS region” on page 23
Creating the VSAM files
The Transaction Affinities Utility uses one copy of each of the following VSAM files
for each CICS region it is run against:
Table 2. Transaction Affinities Utility VSAM files and associated jobs
File Description Job
CICSAFF.CAUCNTL A recoverable file used to hold control
Non-recoverable files used to hold affinity data
with different key sizes (17, 33, and 225
To create a set of these files for one CICS region, edit and run a copy of the
associated jobs in the CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHINST library. Edit and run a copy of
the CAUJCLCC and CAUJCLCA jobs for each CICS region against which you are
going to use the Transaction Affinities Utility.
Before you run the CAUJCLCC and CAUJCLCA jobs, change the following
parameters in the jobs:
v The JOB accounting parameters.
v The prefix of the files (&AFFQ), this should contain a CICS region qualifier.
v The volume id (&DSVOL) of the DASD device where the files are to reside.
Estimating the size of the MVS data space and VSAM files
An MVS data space is used to hold the affinity data collected by the Detector. The
amount of storage required depends on the number of affinities discovered, the
number of different transaction identifiers, and the number of terminals.
To estimate the amount of storage for the data space (and therefore the size of the
VSAM affinity files) that you are likely to need for the Detector, you can use the
following algorithm (with storage values in bytes):
Data space: (#transids * #termids * 250) + 5 000,000
CAUAFF1 : (#transids * #termids * 40) + 1 000,.000
CAUAFF2 : (#transids * #termids * 150) + 1 000,000
CAUAFF3 : 1 000,000
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