Specify the name of the Transaction Affinities Utility load library where you have
installed the Builder program, CAUBLD.
v The REPGRPS DD statement
Specify the (concatenation of) names of the sequential data sets containing the
basic affinity transaction groups to be input to the Builder. The Builder reads the
lines of the input data sets, and checks them for syntax and logic errors. For
information about the valid syntax, see “Syntax for input to the Builder”.
v The AFFGRPS DD statement
Specify the name of the sequential data set where the combined affinity
transaction groups are to be sent. This data set is suitable for input to
v The SYSPRINT DD statement
Specify the destination for the report output by the Builder.
Syntax for input to the Builder
The syntax in the sequential data sets input to the Builder is similar (but not
identical) to that allowed by CICSPlex SM. (For more information, see
Transaction Server for OS/390 Installation Guide
.) The differences are given in the
following list:
1. The only statements you can supply are:
v CREATE statements for TRANGRPs and DTRINGRPs.
v REMOVE statements for TRANGRPs.
v TEXT statements and line comments. (A line comment is a line that starts
with an asterisk (*) in column 1.)
v HEADER statements for the Builder, and not for a CICSPlex SM statement.
2. Block comments delimited by ’/*’ and ’*/’ are not recognized.
3. Transaction group names of up to 11 characters are allowed. (CICSPlex SM
allows only 8 characters.)
4. A CREATE TRANGRP statement must have exactly one NAME, one
AFFINITY, and one AFFLIFE value. MATCH and STATE values are optional
and ignored (they are overridden by the values on the PARM statement or the
default). A DESC value is optional and ignored. Any other keywords are
reported as errors.
5. A CREATE DTRINGRP statement must have exactly one TRANGRP and one
TRANID value. Any other keywords are reported as errors.
6. REMOVE TRANGRP statements are optional and are ignored by the Builder.
However, if a REMOVE TRANGRP statement appears in an input data set, it
must have exactly one NAME value. Any other keywords are reported as
7. CONTEXT statements in the input data set are optional and are ignored by the
Builder. They are overridden by the CONTEXT operand of the PARM
statement (if specified) or the default.
8. A HEADER statement requires no keyword. APPLID, SAVEDATE, and
SAVETIME are all optional, and if specified their values are not validated. The
HEADER statement must end in a semi-colon and should not span lines. Each
input data set must start with a HEADER statement. (See “HEADER
statements” on page 58.)
56 CICS Transaction Affinities Utility Guide