v For file CAUCNTL only, if recovery is not required ensure that
3. INSTALL group
to make these definitions known to CICS.
Tailoring your CICS startup job
To enable the Transaction Affinities Utility to be run against your CICS region, take
account of the following when setting up your CICS startup job:
v The Transaction Affinities Utility sends messages to the transient data destination
CAFF. For you to see all the messages sent to CAFF, the queue must be
predefined to the transient data component. The CAFF queue is defined in the
CICS-supplied group, DFHDCTG. DFHDCTG contains definitions for all the
CICS-supplied transient data queues and is installed on cold starts as part of
DFHLIST processing. Unlike most CICS-supplied groups, DFHDCTG is unique in
that it is not locked. Therefore, you can alter the definition for CAFF using either
the DFHCSDUP utility or the CEDA transaction.
You do not have to specify the extrapartition transient data data set in your
start-up JCL, because of the introduction of dynamic allocation for such data
sets. If you want to use dynamic allocation, specify a DSName in the definition of
the queue. Alternatively, you can add a DD statement for the queue in your JCL.
For example:
The default definition in group DFHDCTG routes the messages sent to CAFF to
the SYSOUT class ’*’.
For more information about dynamic allocation and defining transient data
queues, see the
CICS Resource Definition Guide
v Set the ICVR system initialization parameter to at least 10 seconds; that is,
ICVR=10000 (or a larger value). If you do not do this, the Detector or one of your
own transactions may end prematurely with an abend code of AICA.
v Set the DSHIPINT system initialization parameter to 0. If you specify a DSHIPINT
value other than 0, the utility may not correctly observe terminal log offs or
determine affinity life times.
If the CICS region is a target region, specify 0 on the AILDELAY system initialization
parameter for all routing regions that route to it. This enables the Detector to
immediately see when a terminal logs off.
(If you specify an AILDELAY value other than 0, the Detector may miss log offs and
misinterpret affinity life times.)
Restarting your CICS region
Restart the CICS region using a CICS startup job modified for affinity utility program
support, as described in “Tailoring your CICS startup job”.
Chapter 3. Preparing to use the affinity utility program 23