Table 5. Methods for resuming data collection by the Detector
Where used Command or function key
Control display, CAFF01 F8 function key
3270 terminal CAFF CONTINUE
Console F cicsjob, CAFF CONTINUE 1
1 cicsjob is the name of your CICS startup job.
Using one of the methods listed in Table 5 causes the Detector to continue
recording any transaction affinities in the CICS region, until you pause or stop data
Stopping the collection of affinity data
When you can stop collecting affinity data
You can stop collecting affinity data only when the Detector is currently
running or paused.
To stop collecting affinity data, use one of the methods shown in Table 6.
Table 6. Methods for stopping data collection by the Detector
Where used Command or function key
Control display, CAFF01 F6 function key 1
3270 terminal CAFF STOP
Console F cicsjob, CAFF STOP 2
Application program EXEC CICS START TRANSID(’CAFF’) FROM(’STOP’) 3
1 If you press the F6 function key of the CAFF01 screen, you are asked to
confirm that you want to stop the recording of affinity data.
2 cicsjob is the name of your CICS startup job.
3 You can use this command from a program initiated during the first quiesce
stage of CICS shutdown, that is, a program specified in the first half of the PLT for
CICS shutdown. This is recommended, to prevent the Detector delaying CICS
shutdown if the Detector is not in the STOPPED state. For more information about
using PLTSD programs, see the
CICS Customization Guide
Using one of the methods in Table 6 stops the Detector recording any transaction
affinities in the CICS region until you next start collecting data by the Detector. This
also destroys the data space, and saves the data collected to the affinity data
VSAM files.
Chapter 5. Running the Detector 35