3. Is the yellow switch supervisor LED On or flashing?
v If yes, return to “Step 0600-010” on page 1-12 and continue service with the next highest priority.
v If no, go to “Step 0620-021” on page 1-27.
Switch power (MAP 0610)
Purpose of this MAP
This MAP provides diagnostic steps for resolving problems related to SP Switch2 power.
Note: Refer to “Service position procedures” on page 3-10 for placing the switch into the service position
or removing it from the service position.
Step 0610-001
A power problem with the switch was detected.
1. On the switch, check the status condition of the green switch supervisor LED.
2. Status condition for the green switch supervisor LED is as follows:
Green (power) LED
Off No 48 V dc power available at switch.
Power available at switch, but switch logic is Off.
On Power available at switch, and logic is On.
3. Is the green switch supervisor LED Off?
v If yes, go to “Step 0610-004” on page 1-14.
v If no:
– The green switch supervisor LED is On or flashing.
– Go to “Step 0610-002”.
Step 0610-002
1. Is the green switch supervisor LED flashing?
v If the green LED is flashing, go to “Step 0610-003”.
v If the green LED is lit but not flashing:
a. This indicates that you do not have a power supply problem.
b. Verify that you have the proper switch, then restart “Switch description and problem
determination (MAP 0590)” on page 1-1.
c. If this is the proper switch, call the next level of support.
Step 0610-003
The green switch supervisor LED is flashing.
1. Attempt to power up the switch using Perspectives from the control workstation.
v Note the status of the green switch supervisor LED.
2. Does green LED light and stay lit?
v If yes, go to Switch function (MAP 0620) and refer to “Step 0620-021” on page 1-27 and return the
switch to the active configuration.
v If the green LED continues flashing,goto″Frame supervisor not responding (MAP 0110)″ in
RS/6000 SP: System Service Guide
Switch environment (MAP 0600)
Chapter 1. Maintenance Analysis Procedures (MAPs) 1-13