
Step 0610-009
The switch circuit breaker no longer trips to the Off (‘0’) position when a fan/power supply pair is removed.
1. Reinstall the power supply into the switch.
2. Check circuit breaker.
3. Does the circuit breaker still trip?
v If yes, go to “Step 0610-010”.
v If no, go to “Step 0610-011”.
Step 0610-010
A power supply caused the circuit breaker to trip.
1. Replace the power supply.
2. Return to “Step 0610-004” on page 1-14 to verify the replacement.
Step 0610-011
The circuit breaker does not trip with the fan removed.
1. Replace the fan.
2. Return to “Step 0610-004” on page 1-14 to verify the replacement fan.
Step 0610-012
You removed a fan/power supply pair and the circuit breaker still trips.
1. Reinstall the fan/power supply pair.
v If you have tested all fan/power supply pairs, go to “Step 0610-013”.
2. Remove the next fan/power supply pair.
3. Return to “Step 0610-005” on page 1-14 and test the next fan/power supply pair.
Step 0610-013
You tested (by removal and replacement) all fan/power supply pairs and the circuit breaker still trips.
1. Remove the switch supervisor card.
2. Check the circuit breaker.
3. Does the circuit breaker still trip?
v If yes, reinstall the switch supervisor card and go to “Step 0610-014”.
v If no, replace the switch supervisor card and return to “Step 0610-004” on page 1-14 to verify fix.
Step 0610-014
You removed the switch supervisor card but the circuit breaker still trips.
1. Remove all interposer cards to isolate.
2. Check the circuit breaker.
3. Does the circuit breaker trip?
v If yes, go to “Step 0610-017” on page 1-16.
v If no, go to “Step 0610-015”.
Step 0610-015
1. Reinstall the interposer cards one at a time.
2. Does the circuit breaker trip?
v If yes, replace the interposer and return to beginning of this step to test the replacement interposer.
v If no, go to “Step 0610-016”.
Step 0610-016
1. Reinstall the next interposer card.
2. Return to “Step 0610-015” and check that the circuit breaker does not trip.
Switch power (MAP 0610)
Chapter 1. Maintenance Analysis Procedures (MAPs) 1-15