9. On the control workstation, set the node to boot from disk. For example:
spbootins -r disk 2 12 1
10. On the control workstation, use Perspectives to power off the node and then power it back on.
The node will now boot from the device that you specified in step 7 with the correct time.
Running diagnostics on a switch port
Attention: Servicing a processor node or switch assembly may interrupt customer usage of the
processor node and the remainder of the switch network. If the switch feature must be replaced in a
multi-frame system, refer to “Removing and restoring switch resources” on page 3-9, for information on
isolating the switch assembly.
Before running diagnostic tests on a switch to diagnose node to switch problems, you must identify the
port number. For example:
Bulkhead jack 6 on switch 17 frame 1 is identified as E01-S17-BH-J6
To run the test from the control workstation for this example the syntax of the command is:
/usr/lpp/ssp/bin/spd/wrap_test -j E01-S17-BH-J6
The wrap test will indicate when to use the following items that are supplied as part of the ship group:
v Wrap cable
v Wrap plug
v Interposer wrap card
3-12 RS/6000 SP: SP Switch2 Service Guide