Table 3-4. SP Switch2 log files (continued)
Log File Information Level File Location File Contents
topology.data port primary node System error messages from the
distribution of the topology file to the
secondary nodes.
Note: The files ending in .out are produced by running the appropriate command to dump internal (in memory) trace
information or dump data to a file. The complete package of output files will be found in /var/adm/SPlogs/css/.
css.snap file package names
Once the css.snap script creates the package of compressed files, the package file is given a name that
varies according to the flags used with the css.snap command.
If the -a and -p flags are not used:
The file name is
If -a cssX (where X=0 or 1) is used but -p is not specified:
The file name is
If -a cssX (where X=0 or 1) and -p p0 are both used:
The file name is
is the name of the node where the css.snap command was issued and
is the
date and time that the information was collected.
Disk space handling
css.snap avoids flooding /var by following these rules:
v If less than 10% of /var is free, css.snap exits.
v If the CSS portion of /var is more than 30% of the total space in /var, css.snap erases old snap files
until the CSS share sinks below 30%. If successful, css.snap proceeds. If not, it exits.
SP Switch2 supervisor self-test
The following procedures will help you perform self-test on the switch supervisor card. Upon completion of
this test, return to the procedure that sent you here.
1. Detach supervisor harness from connector at back of the unit. Detaching the supervisor harness
removes the 12 volt power from the supervisor card.
2. Reinsert the supervisor harness to perform the supervisor card self-test.
3. Check green and yellow LEDs on the switch supervisor card for the self-test conditions listed below.
3-6 RS/6000 SP: SP Switch2 Service Guide