
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
8285A>set pvc 2.1 100 1.9 2 channel 0.500 0400 best_effort
Note that in this example, we have chosen the following attributes for the PVC:
Workstation attached on the local 8285: slot.port 2.1.
Workstation attached on the remote 8285: slot.port 1.9.
PVC_id = 100.
This is an arbitrary number that you can use to identify the PVC on various
Remote hub identifier = 2.
This identifies the hub number (HN) of the remote hub (the hub on which the
PVC terminates) within the cluster.
VPI/VCI on the local hub:
VPI = 1
VCI = 500
VPI/VCI on the remote hub:
VPI = 0
VCI = 400
PVC type = best_effort.
The VPI/VCI values chosen for each port must be free at the time of defining the
PVC. You can find out the VPI/VCI values that are currently allocated to the
other connections on the port by using the Nways Campus manager ATM for
AIX. If you are not sure which VPI/VCI is available for allocation, you may use
the following command, which will allow the 8285 Control-Point available VPI/VCI
pair that is assigned for the PVC on each port:
8285A>set pvc 2.1 100 1.9 2 channel * * best_effort
You can display the configuration information about a specific PVC or all the
PVCs using the SHOW PVC command. The following example shows the output
that will be displayed as a result of this command:
8285A> set pvc 2.1 100 1.9 2 channel 0.400 0.500 best_effort
PVC set and started.
8285A> show pvc all
Local endpoint | Remote endpoint |
Port id type Vpi/Vci | Port Vpi/Vci HNb| role |QOS| Status
2.01 100 PTP-PVC 0/500 |1.09 0/400 2| Primary | BE|Active
1.09 1001 PTP-PVC 0/400 |2.01 0/500 1|Secondary| BE|Active
You may display additional information about the configuration of the PVC by
using the verbose parameter in the SHOW PVC command as shown in the
following example:
84 ATM Workgroup Solutions: Implementing the 8285 ATM Switch