This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
A.1.2 Access Mode
There are three levels of access mode to 8285 via the console port:
User Mode
When you are logged on as a user, you have access to some 8285
commands with read-only access. This allows you to view ATM subsystem
status, get help, clear counters, and log off. The factory default user
password is
a null string.
Administrator Mode
When you are logged on as administrator, you have access to all the 8285
commands with read-write access, which allows you to display and modify
the ATM switching subsystem in the 8285. The factory default administrator
password is
Maintenance Mode
When you are logged on as administrator and enter the
MAINTAIN command
in administrator mode, you have access to maintenance functions, such as
downloading out-of-band and clearing the ATM subsystem configuration. No
password is required to access the maintenance mode from the
administrator mode. To quit the maintenance mode, you have to enter the
BOOT command to reset the ATM subsystem.
You can access the maintenance mode only if you logged on with the
administrator password from a local ATM control point session via the
RS-232 port. You cannot access the maintenance mode from a remote
session started with the TELNET command.
There are no user IDs associated with these modes. Once you connect to the
8285, you will be prompted to enter a password. The password that you enter
determines if you get administrator or user.
A.1.3 How to Change Administrator and User Password
After logging in to 8285 for the first time, you are strongly advised to change the
default password for the administrator, so you can prevent unauthorized users
from being able to log on to the 8285 to view or modify your ATM network
Figure 58 shows how you can change the administrator password. For security
purposes, the values you enter are not displayed on the screen.
8285> set device password administrator
Enter current administrator password:
New password:
Re-enter password:
Password changed.
Figure 58. Changing Administrator Password
Appendix A. 8285 ATM Control Point Commands 173