This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
measure that prevents unauthorized users from accessing and working in an
open 8285 session when the 8285 console is left unattended. The default
value is 0, which means that the terminal will never time out. An example of
this command is as follows:
8285> set terminal time_out 10
Figure 66. Changing the Terminal Timeout
The value previously specified is in minutes and can go up to 30.
After setting all the parameters for the terminal, you must ensure that you save
them using the following command:
8285> save terminal
Figure 67. Saving the Terminal Settings
You can display the current settings for the terminal using the following
8285> show terminal
Figure 68. Showing the Terminal Settings
An example of the output you could get is shown in Figure 69.
Terminal Parameters:
Baud 9600
Data bits 8
Parity NONE
Stop bits 1
Timeout time 0
Figure 69. Output from Show Terminal Command
A.2 IBM 8285 ATM Command List
Table 38 on page 177 shows the list of ATM commands supported by the IBM
8285. For more information about the commands, refer to the
IBM 8260 Nways
Multiprotocol Switching Hub IBM 8285 Nways ATM Workgroup Switch ATM
Command Reference Guide
, SA33-0385 and the release note for ATM switch
microcode you are using. The release note includes the latest information not
described in the manual.
176 ATM Workgroup Solutions: Implementing the 8285 ATM Switch