
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
containing an IBM 8260 module, the value enable(1) causes the
module to be power-enabled, provided sufficient power is
available. The value disable(2) causes the module to be
power-disabled and is not allowed for a slot containing the
IBM 8260 agent, to prevent the user from losing hub
manageability. The slot will not receive power untill this
object is set to the the value enable(1).
::= { ocPowerSlotEntry 3 }
ocPowerSlotOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
enabled(1), -- Slot power is enabled
disabled(2), -- Slot power is disabled
insufficient-power(3), -- Slot power up not possible
enabled-always(4) -- Slot power is enabled always
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The current operational slot power status. This object
will have the value enabled(1), if the slot contains an
IBM 8260 module and is actually power-enabled. This object
will have the value disabled(2), if the slot contains an
IBM 8260 module and is actually power-disabled. In this case,
the slot is ineligible for power until ocPowerSlotAdminStatus
for the slot is set to enable(1). This object will have
the value insufficient-power(3), if the slot is eligible to
receive power but, due to power constraints, is not
power-enabled. When sufficient power becomes available, the
slot will become power-enabled, and this object will then have
the value enabled(1). This object will have the value
enabled-always(4) for a slot containing the IBM 8260 agent.
For the slot containing the IBM 8260 agent, ocPowerSlotAdminStatus
cannot be set to the value disable(2). However, in the event of
an environmental change such as a power supply failure, the slot
containing the IBM 8260 agent may be automatically power-disabled,
and this object will then have the value insufficient-power(3).
This is based on the value of ocPowerSlotClass for the slot.
::= { ocPowerSlotEntry 4 }
-- IBM 8260 Inventory Group
-- This group reflects inventory information about
-- components in the IBM 8260 hub.
-- Hub chassis information
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..32))
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The hub type (i.e. model number) of the hub. An instance
for which information is not valid will return invalid
::= { ocInvHub 1 }
270 ATM Workgroup Solutions: Implementing the 8285 ATM Switch