Installation and Setup
ida ReRouter
NOTE: LU Alias must match the LU Alias defined in
Communications Manager
If the LU Alias is not defined, the idaRoute will terminate and
write to the log file.
6. Enter IP Address (in Decimal Dot notation)
NOTE: Must match the device (e.g. ida 913-03 / ida 913 04) being
communicated with
Range: -
Default: None
7. Select Port No.
NOTE: This is default 5001 for all IPDS applications
Range: Decimal value 0-9999
Default: 5001 *)
*): Remote devices supporting more than one output port may use
port no. 5002. For details you are referred to the manual for the
remote device being connected to.
8. Enter Connect Timeout
This entry field will specify the time the idaRoute will wait after
having initiated a connection till the idaRoute receives a response from
the remote TCP/I P attached device.
Range: 0-9999 seconds
Default: 30 seconds.
9. The field Trace Class is used for debugging purposes only.
For additional information, see chapter 9: "Problem Determination"
10. Click on "OK" to verify the configuration.