Installation and Setup
ida ReRouter
4.3.2 TCP/IP KeepAlive configuration on OS/2
• OS/2 2.0 with APAR IR28716 fix must be installed.
• TCP/IP 2.0 with CSD UN64092 or later must be installed.
• The TCP/IP "inetcfg" command can be used to configure the
"KEEPALIVE" parameter.
inetcfg KEEPALIVE=nnn
where nnn is the number of minutes a TCP connection must remain
inactive before TCP generates a KEEPALIVE transmission for an
application that requests them.
The default is 120 minutes.
The inetcfg command must be run each time the OS/2 system is started.
Adding the inetcfg command to \tcpip\bin\tcpstart.cmd is a convenient
way to automate this step.
For example, adding
inetcfg KEEPALIVE=4
to \tcpip\bin\tcpstart.cmd causes TCP to send a KEEPALIVE
transmission if a TCP connection has been inactive for 4 minutes and the
application requested KEEPALIVE transmissions, as OS/2 now does.
OS/2 recommends this TCP configuration setting for customers who use
TCP/IP-attached printers and the device.
If the KEEPALIVE transmission is not acknowledged, the TCP will attemt
to re-connect up to 9 times. The interval between these attempts is fixed
but short.