Configuration of AS/400 Networks
ida ReRouter
6.3 Updating APPN Remote Location List
(SNA connections only)
The APPN location lists, which are only used for APPN configurations
(i.e. when APPN /*YES) is specified in the controller description, define
special characteristics of remote locations.
The CRTFGL (Create Configuration List) command is used to define a list
of remote locations for APPN.
1. If you do not have a remote location list, type: CRTCFGL or, if you
have a remote location list, type: CHGCFGL (change configuration list)
2. Press F4 to get prompts.
3. Type APPNRMT for the “Configuration list type” field and press the
ENTER key twice.
Remote Location Name (RER1)
Specifies the name that must match the following:
* RMTLOCNAME in the printer device description
This value must be unique within a network.
Remote Network Identifier (DKIDTN01)
Specifies the name that must match the following:
* RMTNETID in the controller description
* RMTNETID in the printer device description
* PC's network name in Communications Manager SNA Base Profile