Configuration of AS/400 Networks
ida ReRouter
6. Configuration of AS/400 Networks
The object of this chapter is to provide you with guidelines for manual
configuration of your AS/400 system connecting to an IPDS session. The
examples assume that configuration is made for a Token Ring attached
6.1 Creating APPC device description
Prompts: Parameter and values in
Device description: DEVD(RER1APPC)
Remote location name: RMTLOCNAME(RER1)
This value must match the remote
location name (RMTLOCNAME) parameter
in the CRTDEVPRT (Create Devic e
Description Printer) command description.
This value must be unique within a network.
Remote network RMTNETID (DKIDTN01)
identifier Enter the name of the network in which your
partner logical unit is located.
Attached controller: CTL(IDATA1)
This name matches the local Node
name in the local Node characteristics panel
of the Communications Manager SNA
Network Definitions.
QSPWTR is an IBM supplied mode.
APPN capable APPN (*YES)
Single session SNGSNN (*NO)
Text 'description' TEXT('APPC device for RER1PRT')