SECTION 1Introduction
1-18 6620 Hand-Held Computer Technical Reference
Pen for Windows 2.0
Pen for Windows 2.0 consists of standard Windows with ex-
tra files, some changes to SYSTEM.INI, and a new file
called PENWIN.INI. Pen Extensions for Windows provides
character recognition and an easier interface for capturing
ink. A handwriting capture engine must be purchased sep-
arately, either through Norand Mobile Systems Division or
other sources.
Other Environments
Obviously, any development environment, that runs on the
aforementioned operating systems, may potentially be used
to develop software for the 6620 Computer. However, not
all of the development environments will necessarily work
as well, nor are they recommended. This is mainly, because
of storage capacity and speed limitations of the 6620 Com-
There are other usable development environments. Here
are some guidelines that can help to determine whether a
particular environment is viable for a 6620 application.
" How much space is required?
Many environments assume the target machine is a
desktop or laptop with virtually unlimited hard drive
space. This may not be the case if the target system is
to run off an ATA card. Keep storage requirements in
mind during development. For example, Power Build-
er is a very popular environment for development.
However, just to get an application started, Power
Builder uses more than 3 MB of DLLs in addition to
Windows just to run the Hello World program.
" The 6620 Computer uses an AMD 5X86, 133 MHz
processor. Test the performance of your application on
a comparable computer.