SECTION 3 6620 Recovery Procedures
6620 Hand-Held Computer Technical Reference 3-11
2. Insert the card containing all the files from the CD-
ROM into the 6620 Computer to be recovered. The
card should AutoPlay. If AutoPlay fails to run, do the
following to manually start the recovery procedures:
a. Use Windows Explorer to find the card.
b. Double-click on the RUNME.BAT file. The “Recov-
ery/Re-Image Utility” window appears (page 3-6).
3. Select Image the Main Data Partition, then click
the Continue button to image the main partition.
4. Click the OK button on the “Recovery Utility” warn-
ing, if it is displayed (page 3-7), to continue. Use the
applicable Browse buttons to ensure the correct card
with all the CD-ROM files is selected for the Source
volume, and that the Destination volume is the drive
assigned to the “Main Data” partition via the “Image
the Main Load” page (page 3-8).
5. Click the Image Main Load button to continue. The
drive will be formatted and loaded with a Full Load.
6. When done, eject the card, click the Finish button to
exit the “Recovery Utility” window and exit Windows.
After entering your name (and optionally, your company
name), and accepting the license agreement, Windows
prompts you for your Certificate of Authenticity from Micro-
soft as it starts. This is necessary to continue the recovery.
Preparing the Recovery Floppy Disk
To prepare the recovery floppy disk for either the network
(page 3-12) or CD-ROM (page 3-14) recovery methods, in-
sert the 6620 Recovery CD-ROM into any desktop PC with
CD-ROM support running any version of Windows 95.
The “Recovery Utility” should AutoPlay. If not, do the
following to manually start the recovery procedures:
1. Use “Windows Explorer” to find the CD.