SECTION 3 6620 Recovery Procedures
6620 Hand-Held Computer Technical Reference 3-3
NOTE: To successfully share the CD-ROM drive, you must have the follow-
ing network components installed:
" Client for Microsoft Networks
" IPX/SPX compatible protocol
" File and printer sharing for Microsoft Networks
Also, the IPX Frame Type must be set to “Ethernet II”.
NOTE: Apply Novell patch #TID 2939192 if Client 32 Version 2.50 is
installed on your client. For information on this patch, either contact
Customer Server at 800-755-5505 (U.S.A. or Canada) or
425-356-1799 or visit the Novell web site at:
On the 6620 Computer to be Recovered
1. Boot with the Network Emergency Recovery Floppy.
2. Select option 1 “Re-image the Recovery Partition” from
the prompt list. The partitions are formatted and files
necessary for network support are copied onto the
main partition. Eventually, you will be prompted to
disconnect the floppy drive or eject the floppy disk.
3. Either disconnect the floppy drive or eject the floppy
disk. A prompt appears to reboot the computer.
4. Press <Enter> to reboot the computer. The C:\
prompt returns with a request for your user name and
5. Enter the user name and the password.
6. Press “N” to skip creating a password-list file. Multi-
ple passwords increase the chance of unauthorized ac-
Once the imaging process is finished, the system reboots
into the “Recovery Windows” window. After entering your
name (and optionally, your company name), and accepting
the license agreement, Windows prompts you for your Cer-
tificate of Authenticity from Microsoft as it starts. You need
this information to continue the recovery.