SECTION 2Toolkit for the 6620 Computer
2-26 6620 Hand-Held Computer Technical Reference
Installing CDPD Radio
If you had selected the “CDPD Radio Diskettes” component
to load installation and executable files onto the 6620 Com-
puter, you can do the following to install the “Watcher” ap-
plication from Sierra Wireless, Inc.
1. If you had the CDPD files copied onto four disks, in-
sert the first disk in the floppy drive.
2. From the Windows desktop, double-click the My Com-
puter icon and either go to the floppy drive or to the
subdirectory where you had the CDPD files copied.
3. Double-click the setup icon to install the “Watcher
Setup” application from Sierra Wireless, Inc. Click the
Next button to continue.