
Page 14 - 34003602EN/AB
2. Installation
2.1 Procedure
1 - Install the PowerServices TelPac kit using the present manual.
2 - Fill in the information form.
3 - Send the form to your Teleservice centre (by Fax or Internet).
4 - Your centre will activate this service.
5 - You receive an acknowledgement of receipt.
The information form must be sent back in order to trigger remote monitoring of your equipment.
2.2 Preliminary check
Before starting the installation:
Make sure that an analogue type telephone outlet with an RJ11 jack is available in the vicinity of the UPS.
If the telephone outlet is not RJ11 type, use an adapter. The telephone line must be authorised to call the Teleservice
centre 7 days a week.
If no electrical outlet is available on the UPS on which the PowerServices TelPac is to be installed, connect the power
cord to an outlet protected by the UPS.